Every leader would like to have hardworking, accurate, and reliable people in their team. Unfortunately, research shows that only 15% of people worldwide feel engaged in their work [1]. To increase the quality and quantity of tasks performed by employees, various motivational methods are used. The concepts of positive and negative motivation are distinguished.

Positive motivation involves a system of rewards and praise [2]. These include monetary rewards such as bonuses, as well as non-monetary rewards such as verbal praise. Employees also value participation in training that is not available to everyone – this makes the employee feel distinguished and increases their motivation. Special achievements can be rewarded with promotion or greater flexibility and autonomy in their work [3]. Positive motivation stimulates employee activity, which translates into benefits for the company.

Negative motivation involves punishments such as reprimands, monetary fines, or scolding [4]. This method of motivation is mainly used to maintain discipline. It is used in most companies but is not considered the most effective because it is based on building fear and anxiety.

Is it worth motivating your employees? Research shows that 87% of motivated employees are willing to stay in their current job [5]. Thanks to these statistics, it can be concluded that motivation definitely affects employees. Furthermore, statistics show that motivated employees can increase a company’s profits by up to 27% [6].

[1] https://teamstage.io/motivation-statistics/ [accessed: 29.03.2023]
[2] https://porady.pracuj.pl/kariera-i-rozwoj/motywacja-pozytywna-i-negatywna-co-to-takiego/ [accessed: 29.03.2023]
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] https://teamstage.io/motivation-statistics/ [accessed: 29.03.2023]
[6] Ibid.


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